Chapters and Authors

[:en]There are currently 30 chapers in preparation for this book. The titles and authors are presented below, in no particular order. Stay tuned for updates!

Esnetik: Ethics, trust and transparency
Raquel Ajates Gonzalez, Centre for Food Policy, City University London

The work and linkages of urban and rural women to the production, commercialisation and consumption of agroecological foods and in working towards peace in Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
Josefina Ayala Aponte and Dora Maria Chamorro

Women defending their territory and natural resources in Peru
Graciela Romero War On Want, International Programmes Director at War on Want,

La Via Campesina and the Academy: A Snapshot
Josh Brem-Wilson, Coventry University and Paul Nicholson

Seeing REDD: Reflections, negotiations and experiences with doing research on the ground with Proambiente and Chico Mendes and the Rubber Tappers’ Movement in Acre, Brazil.
Jacqueline M. Vadjunec         Oklahoma State University

A Farmer-to-Farmer, Agroecological Approach to Addressing Food Security in Northern and Central Malawi
1) Catherine Hickey,, Western University; 2) Blessings Nyirenda,, Chancellor College; 3) Zachariah Nkhonya,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 4) George Gondwe,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 5) Laifolo Dakishoni,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 6) Esther Lupafya,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 7) Mangani Katundu,, Chancellor College; 8) MAFFA promoter team; 9) Rachel Bezner Kerr,, Cornell University  

Action research transforming local food systems in India, Iran and Peru
Michel Pimbert, Satheesh, Alejandro, Taghi

How civil networks have become a counter-force in front the dominant food system: The case of the Network in defence of Maize in Mexico
Karol Yañez Soria, Development Planning Unit, University College London (UCL)

Community Engaged Action Research and the Food Sovereignty Movement in Canad
Lauren Kepkewicz, University of Toronto; Rolie Srivastava; Charles Levkoe, Wilfrid Laurier University; Cathleen Kneen, Food Secure Canada; Abra Brynne, Food Secure Canada   

Engaging with Cuba’s Permaculture Movement
Mary Beckie, University of Alberta; Ron Berezan, The Urban Farmer

Organizing for Food Sovereignty: The Opportunities and Contradictions of Institutionalization and Formalization
Jeanette Sivilay, Colin Anderson, Kenton Lobe and the Sharing the Table Manitoba Research Collective 

The role of trust in building alliances of social movements: organising the International Forum on Agroecology
Maryam Rahmanian and Thierry Kesteloot

Canadian Women Farmers Developing Farm Policy: A Food Sovereignty Vision
Annette Desmarais and Carla Roppel, National Farmers Union, Canada

Involving small holding farmers in participatory research on pollinators in agro ecosystem: A case study from Eastern India
Barbara Smith, CAWR; Soumik Chatterjee, Calcutta University; Parthib Basu, Calcutta University

CAIS Maloka: researching our Campesino reality through critical reflection, participation, action and learning.
Javier Sanchez Rodríguez; Maria Pastora de la Pava         Cais Maloka

Give me back my yam: Caribbean staple foods and the crisis of the ‘uncommons’
Mama D

Soil and Me
Ma’at á Nkemi        student

From the Grassroots or by the State? Strategies for fostering urban agroecology in Brazil
Rafael de Brito Dias, State University of Campinas (Brazil); Julicristie Machado de Oliveira, State University of Campinas (Brazil); Milena Pavan Serafim, State University of Campinas (Brazil); 2) State University of Campinas (Brazil)

Water in Brazil : socio-spatial conflicts and monopolization of the territory
José Gilberto de Souza, São Paulo State University (IGCE-UNESP)

Community first!: Engaging user participation in A Community Guide to Environmental Health
Jeff Conant, Friends of the Earth-United States

Fighting Food Waste: Exploring the minimisation of avoidable food waste at a farm-level through the redistribution of surplus produce
Chris King

Imagining participation as transdisciplinary process of reflection and resistance
Jasber Singh

Creating a living lab for transformative urban agroecology
Marina Chang, CAWR; Louise Gates, Director, The Calthorpe Project Rokiah Yaman, Mila Campoy

Reclaiming the Plots: The Community Food Growers Network
Rob Logan, Christabel Buchanan and Marnia Chang                 

Recovering Andean Food Wisdom: Participatory methods and food sovereignty in the Peruvian Andes
Maruja Salas and Timmi Tillmann: Cuyayhuasi Video, Peru

Mother Earth and other plays: Participatory theatre with indigenous peoples
Tom Wakeford and Madhoo

Brokering innovation and fostering action learning – towards promoting “agro-ecological- entrepreneurship” in the new Cuban economic model
Humberto Ríos Labrada and Juan Ceballos Müller, from ICRA

Participatory Workers: Harnessing the hidden power-brokers
Tom Wakeford

Involving disadvantaged communities in food hubs – reflections on the process.
Ruth Hayward
[:de]There are currently 30 chatpers in preparation for this book. The titles and authors are presented below, in no particular order. Stay tuned for updates!

  1. Esnetik: Ethics, trust and transparency

Raquel Ajates Gonzalez, Centre for Food Policy, City University London

  1. The work and linkages of urban and rural women to the production, commercialisation and consumption of agroecological foods and in working towards peace in Santiago de Cali, Colombia.

Josefina Ayala Aponte and Dora Maria Chamorro

  1. Women defending their territory and natural resources in Peru

Graciela Romero War On Want, International Programmes Director at War on Want,

  1. La Via Campesina and the Academy: A Movement’s Perspective

Josh Brem-Wilson (and potentially others)         Coventry University

  1. Seeing REDD: Reflections, negotiations and experiences with doing research on the ground with Proambiente and Chico Mendes and the Rubber Tappers’ Movement in Acre, Brazil.

Jacqueline M. Vadjunec         Oklahoma State University

  1. A Farmer-to-Farmer, Agroecological Approach to Addressing Food Security in Northern and Central Malawi

1) Catherine Hickey,, Western University; 2) Blessings Nyirenda,, Chancellor College; 3) Zachariah Nkhonya,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 4) George Gondwe,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 5) Laifolo Dakishoni,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 6) Esther Lupafya,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 7) Mangani Katundu,, Chancellor College; 8) MAFFA promoter team; 9) Rachel Bezner Kerr,, Cornell University   

  1. Sustaining Local Food Systems and Bioiversity and Life

Michel Pimbert and co-authors

  1. Why do the so called ‘networks’ have been successful in challenging the current global no-sustainable food system in Mexico?

Karol Yañez Soria, Development Planning Unit, University College London (UCL)

  1. Community-Campus Engagement and Community Food Security in Canada

Lauren Kepkewicz, University of Toronto; Rolie Srivastava; Charles Levkoe, Wilfrid Laurier University; Cathleen Kneen, Food Secure Canada; Abra Brynne, Food Secure Canada    

  1. Doing More With Less: Learning from Cuba’s Permaculture and Urban Agriculture Movement

Mary Beckie, University of Alberta; Ron Berezan, The Urban Farmer

  1. The Real Manitoba Food Fight

Sharing the Table Manitoba Research Collective: Jeanette Sivilay, Colin Anderson, Annette Desmarais, Kenton Lobe (and likely others)             

  1. Tar Sand, Food Justice and Environmental Health Research

Stephane McLachlan, University of Manitoba

  1. Supporting global political engagement of social movements by joint analysis and planning

Maryam Rhamadan and Thierry Kesteloot

  1. Canadian women farmers: Challenging national agricultural policy-making through participatory action research

Annette Desmarais and Carla Roppel, National Farmers Union, Canada

  1. Farmer driven research and innovation networks

Jyoti Fernandez, Land Worker’s Alliance; Colin Anderson, Centre for Agroecology Water and Resilience and likely others

  1. Transforming the relationship between people and pollinators though action research

Barbara Smith, CAWR; Soumik Chatterjee, Calcutta University; Parthib Basu, Calcutta University

  1. Re-disvovering traditional farming through a PAR process: challenging the norm.

Javier Sanchez Rodríguez; Maria Pastora de la Pava         Cais Maloka

  1. Give me back my yam: Caribbean staple foods and the crisis of the ‘uncommons’

Mama D

  1. Soil and Me

Ma’at á Nkemi        student

  1. From the Grassroots or by the State? Strategies for fostering urban agroecology in Brazil

Rafael de Brito Dias, State University of Campinas (Brazil); Julicristie Machado de Oliveira, State University of Campinas (Brazil); Milena Pavan Serafim, State University of Campinas (Brazil); 2) State University of Campinas (Brazil);

  1. Water in Brazil : socio-spatial conflicts and monopolization of the territory

José Gilberto de Souza, São Paulo State University (IGCE-UNESP)

  1. Community first!: Engaging user participation in A Community Guide to Environmental Health

Jeff Conant, Friends of the Earth-United States

  1. Fighting Food Waste: Exploring the minimisation of avoidable food waste at a farm-level through the redistribution of surplus produce

Chris King

  1. An Introduction to Land Grabbing and Food Sovereignty in Taiwan

Pei-Hui Tsai, Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies, Shih-Hsin University

  1. Creating a living lab for transformative urban agroecology

Marina Chang, CAWR; Louise Gates, Director, The Calthorpe Project

  1. From the Transatlantic slave trade to agroecology – from societies as parts of economies to economies as parts of societies

Saira Mian, UCL Computer Science Department and Boglarka Saxena

  1. Reclaiming the Plots: The Community Food Growers Network

Rob Logan, Christabel Buchanan and Marnia Chang                  

  1. Recovering Andean Food Wisdom: Participatory methods and food sovereignty in the Peruvian Andes

Maruja Salas and Timmi Tillmann: Cuyayhuasi Video, Peru

  1. Participatory Theatre for Food Soverignty

Tom Wakeford and Madhoo 

  1. Working title: Integrating “green businesses” in the new Cuban economic model

Humberto Rios Labrada and Juan Ceballos Müller, ICRA

31. Sovereignty and shared risk in the food supply chain: Cacers para comerselo – a local contribution to agroecology from the Iberian Peninsula

Gonzalo Palomo, ACTYVA, S. Co. Cáceres – Spain 


 [:es]There are currently 30 chatpers in preparation for this book. The titles and authors are presented below, in no particular order. Stay tuned for updates!

  1. Esnetik: Ethics, trust and transparency

Raquel Ajates Gonzalez, Centre for Food Policy, City University London

  1. The work and linkages of urban and rural women to the production, commercialisation and consumption of agroecological foods and in working towards peace in Santiago de Cali, Colombia.

Josefina Ayala Aponte and Dora Maria Chamorro

  1. Women defending their territory and natural resources in Peru

Graciela Romero War On Want, International Programmes Director at War on Want,

  1. La Via Campesina and the Academy: A Movement’s Perspective

Josh Brem-Wilson (and potentially others)         Coventry University

  1. Seeing REDD: Reflections, negotiations and experiences with doing research on the ground with Proambiente and Chico Mendes and the Rubber Tappers’ Movement in Acre, Brazil.

Jacqueline M. Vadjunec         Oklahoma State University

  1. A Farmer-to-Farmer, Agroecological Approach to Addressing Food Security in Northern and Central Malawi

1) Catherine Hickey,, Western University; 2) Blessings Nyirenda,, Chancellor College; 3) Zachariah Nkhonya,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 4) George Gondwe,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 5) Laifolo Dakishoni,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 6) Esther Lupafya,, Ekwendeni Hospital; 7) Mangani Katundu,, Chancellor College; 8) MAFFA promoter team; 9) Rachel Bezner Kerr,, Cornell University   

  1. Sustaining Local Food Systems and Bioiversity and Life

Michel Pimbert and co-authors

  1. Why do the so called ‘networks’ have been successful in challenging the current global no-sustainable food system in Mexico?

Karol Yañez Soria, Development Planning Unit, University College London (UCL)

  1. Community-Campus Engagement and Community Food Security in Canada

Lauren Kepkewicz, University of Toronto; Rolie Srivastava; Charles Levkoe, Wilfrid Laurier University; Cathleen Kneen, Food Secure Canada; Abra Brynne, Food Secure Canada    

  1. Doing More With Less: Learning from Cuba’s Permaculture and Urban Agriculture Movement

Mary Beckie, University of Alberta; Ron Berezan, The Urban Farmer

  1. The Real Manitoba Food Fight

Sharing the Table Manitoba Research Collective: Jeanette Sivilay, Colin Anderson, Annette Desmarais, Kenton Lobe (and likely others)             

  1. Tar Sand, Food Justice and Environmental Health Research

Stephane McLachlan, University of Manitoba

  1. Supporting global political engagement of social movements by joint analysis and planning

Maryam Rhamadan and Thierry Kesteloot

  1. Canadian women farmers: Challenging national agricultural policy-making through participatory action research

Annette Desmarais and Carla Roppel, National Farmers Union, Canada

  1. Farmer driven research and innovation networks

Jyoti Fernandez, Land Worker’s Alliance; Colin Anderson, Centre for Agroecology Water and Resilience and likely others

  1. Transforming the relationship between people and pollinators though action research

Barbara Smith, CAWR; Soumik Chatterjee, Calcutta University; Parthib Basu, Calcutta University

  1. Re-disvovering traditional farming through a PAR process: challenging the norm.

Javier Sanchez Rodríguez; Maria Pastora de la Pava         Cais Maloka

  1. Give me back my yam: Caribbean staple foods and the crisis of the ‘uncommons’

Mama D

  1. Soil and Me

Ma’at á Nkemi        student

  1. From the Grassroots or by the State? Strategies for fostering urban agroecology in Brazil

Rafael de Brito Dias, State University of Campinas (Brazil); Julicristie Machado de Oliveira, State University of Campinas (Brazil); Milena Pavan Serafim, State University of Campinas (Brazil); 2) State University of Campinas (Brazil);

  1. Water in Brazil : socio-spatial conflicts and monopolization of the territory

José Gilberto de Souza, São Paulo State University (IGCE-UNESP)

  1. Community first!: Engaging user participation in A Community Guide to Environmental Health

Jeff Conant, Friends of the Earth-United States

  1. Fighting Food Waste: Exploring the minimisation of avoidable food waste at a farm-level through the redistribution of surplus produce

Chris King

  1. An Introduction to Land Grabbing and Food Sovereignty in Taiwan

Pei-Hui Tsai, Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies, Shih-Hsin University

  1. Creating a living lab for transformative urban agroecology

Marina Chang, CAWR; Louise Gates, Director, The Calthorpe Project

  1. From the Transatlantic slave trade to agroecology – from societies as parts of economies to economies as parts of societies

Saira Mian, UCL Computer Science Department and Boglarka Saxena

  1. Reclaiming the Plots: The Community Food Growers Network

Rob Logan, Christabel Buchanan and Marnia Chang                  

  1. Recovering Andean Food Wisdom: Participatory methods and food sovereignty in the Peruvian Andes

Maruja Salas and Timmi Tillmann: Cuyayhuasi Video, Peru

  1. Participatory Theatre for Food Soverignty

Tom Wakeford and Madhoo 

  1. Working title: Integrating “green businesses” in the new Cuban economic model

Humberto Rios Labrada and Juan Ceballos Müller, ICRA

31. Sovereignty and shared risk in the food supply chain: Cacers para comerselo – a local contribution to agroecology from the Iberian Peninsula

Gonzalo Palomo, ACTYVA, S. Co. Cáceres – Spain 



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