Rosie Events

Event 2 of the IVth World Congress on Re-enchantment of the Terraces (in March 2019 on La Gomera Island) is a Summer Academy  with the name of “Right Livelihood in Terraced Landscapes” which will be held in Garachico, Tenerife from 26 of Aoril till 5 of May 2018. The aim of the event is to generate ideas focused on the proposals for the recovery of the terraces of the islands, opening up new horizons through the concept of Right Livelihood “Buenvivir” and of the Landscape, helping to create new visions of the future and re-enchantment of the landscape.
The event will be aimed at the local facilitators from Tenerife and ITLA affiliates (worldwide) as well as students, activists, specialists and technicians of any discipline interested in this research area. The participants will carry out fieldwork practices in various places in Tenerife. A maximum of 24 people will participate and will have the collaboration of different specialists in agro-ecology, water and soil management, architecture, geography, biodiversity and post-development, as well as a team for the application of participatory methods (PAR) and the Practical Landscape Manual (PLM). The event will be sponsored by the CajaCanarias Foundation and supported by the Right Livelihood College and  Right Livelihood Awardees, widely known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize.”
The participants will be selected before March 31, 2018 based on criteria with regard to future commitment to work on Terraced Landscapes and multidisciplinarity.


Recovering Right Livelihood in Terraced Landscapes

Specifically, the participants will listen to and collect the views of the growers and builders of terraces (local administrations, farmers, terrace builders etc…) in relation to their memories of traditional knowledge and practices. These perceptions will be the basis of the significant contents to restore the conditions so that the terraces can be brought back to life in the future.
Likewise, an indispensable content item of the summer academy will be the transformative actions, which will imply the joint generation of initiatives, personal or institutional, to recover terraces in different island regions. The participants of this event will undertake to implement these projects, with this commitment serving as a research experience in the global regeneration of these territories.


The registration fee for the Summer Academy is 50 Euro and includes the registration, material, lunch and breaks, field trips with food and lodging.
It does not include the trip to Tenerife (there are 2 airports North and South) nor lodging and dinner in Garachico.


For more information and to register click here.