Reclaiming Research, Reclaiming Knowledge: Workshop at Nyeleni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty

Colin Anderson Events Leave a Comment


How can civil society and research co-produce knowledge for European food sovereignty and agroecology? 

Dear friends,

Join us at Nyéléni Europe in a workshop where we will explore this question, learn together about how to improve research practice and work towards new collaborations.

Friday, 28th October 2016. From 9am to 1pm at the Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty.

In a few weeks you will travel to Cluj-Napoca from near and far, bringing with you diverse perspectives, knowledge and experiences on Food Sovereignty to Nyéléni Europe. The European Coordination of Via Campesina (ECVC) and Coventry Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) are convening this meeting to discuss how to democratise knowledge and research in Europe to support wider efforts to achieve food sovereignty.

21519149078_ad5991a345_kDuring this workshop we will discuss how research can be based on our knowledge of the food we produce, eat, process exchange and share everyday. We will discuss how research can be produced collectively and democratically and how research can respect different perspectives, knowledge systems and socio-ecological processes. Some of the questions we would like to discuss are:

  • How should researchers, social movements, food producers and practitioners work together?
  • How do we engage multiple ways of knowing at every step of a research process?
  • What platforms, strategies, projects and actions are needed to enable effective and democratic cooperation between researchers, social movements and farmers?

Our hope is that this will also provide opportunities for new collaborations.

Save the date!

15868931244_454c1864bc_kThe workshop will take place on Friday, 28th of October from 09.00 a.m. until 13.00 p.m. at Nyéléni Europe. We can extend our discussions into a collective lunch where we take ideas for future opportunities forward.

Space will be limited in this workshop to 15 civil society activists/organizers including food producers and 15 professional researchers (e.g. that work at a university). Sign up will be on a first come first serve basis on a flip chart announced in the plenary of the Nyéléni Forum.

We look forward to having equal participation of farmers/citizens, social movements and researchers!15871314903_ceca8511ae_h

If you have questions about logistics and registration for the workshop:

If you have questions or suggestions for the methodology and program for the workshop: or


This workshop builds on work being carried out by members of the Grundtvig DARE project and the AgroEcology Fund and Ateam project “Agroecology and Food Sovereignty” ( including: AGRONAUTEN, BEDE, ECVC, FIRAB, GRAIN, AIAB and LWA); in collaboration with URGENCI and Universitat de Vic Spain. We have also invited Agroecology Europe to take part.

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